Friday, May 27, 2011

We Have Sprouts!

(Yellow Onions - planted from bulbs)

We came back from the long weekend away at our trailer and discovered things had changed dramatically in our little garden.
I had not been expecting anything to pop up until I hit that 2 week mark (still a few days away), so I brought the kids into the back yard to check out the tomatoes and strawberries.

When I saw not one or two sprouts, not one or two rows but lots of rows up and showing me their little green babies.  
I was jumping up and down, doing a little dance, showing the kids and then pulling hubby into the back yard to show him. (There might have been an eye roll, but he did come and looks and express mild excitment).

Yes I know – maybe a bit too much excitement, but I was just thrilled!

Here is what we have popping up right now:
-          Yellow onions
-          Lettuce
-          Spinach
-          Beets
-          Peas
-          And a little, little bit of carrots (only 1 variety so far)
We also got another leaf growing on the rhubarb, and lots more little tiny baby tomatoes have shown up (cherry tomatoes), the grape tomatoes (the ones in pots) are now showing us their beautiful yellow flowers.  (Rhubarb post to follow soon.)



These pictures were all taken Monday - May 23rd.

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