Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cookies, Cookies and More Cookies

A long time ago I stumbled onto a blog a woman was writing where she was baking her way through a cookie cook book.

And then there was Julie Powell who cooked her way through Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking and not only blogged about it, but got a book and movie deal out of it too.

Now I am not looking to become famous, write a book or even have a movie made about me (however I would like to say that if this does happen, I want Jennifer Garner to play me), but I just love the concept of cooking through a cookbook or baking with a specific reason / target in mind.

So after years and years of thinking about it, I am taking the plunge.
I am not going to bake through a cookbook, but I am going to take on a 52 Cookie Challenge.

My goal is to bake 52 different types of cookies and blog about it over the course of a year, and since it is already the middle of January I have some catching up to do.

But here is what I am doing:
I am not getting my recipes from one specific cookbook.
I will be making cookie recipes that somewhat appeal to me and also recipes that I don’t normally make.
I will be getting a panel to judge each cookie each week, give me their thought and a rating out of 5.
I will be blogging this whole process and sharing the recipes with you all.

I will be making the cookies on Sunday, having my home panel give me their thoughts and then bringing cookies into work on Monday and Monday morning my work panel will give me their thoughts.

I haven’t quite worked out what day I will get each post up but I do know I will be working one week ahead – this will give me time to put together the post not have to kill myself on Monday nights.

But the first post will be up Monday January 21st, but here is a sneak peek for you...


  1. Yum!! I wish I worked closer to you!! :) Good idea! Your sneak peak makes me want cookies for breakfast. Totally acceptable yes!?

    1. I think cookies are a perfectly good choice for breakfast!
      And yes, too bad you don't work closer - ohhh, but Justin does! Tell him to come by on Mondays for a cookie.

  2. Great idea Jenny, this is a perfect challenge for you - and something I think your family will LOVE too. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
